How is Neste MY Renewable Diesel produced?
How is Neste MY Renewable Diesel produced?
Switching your fleet from fossil diesel to Neste MY Renewable DieselTM is simple. However, the process to create renewable fuel took years of research, resulting in our proprietary NEXBTL technology. This technology process consists of three steps, turning renewable raw materials into a fuel that reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions significantly.
Neste MY is produced at Neste plants in Singapore, Rotterdam (The Netherlands) and Porvoo (Finland).

The story behind Neste MY Renewable Diesel (HVO)

What many see as waste, we see as valuable raw materials
At Neste, we are constantly looking to diversify our portfolio with new raw materials. Neste uses a wide variety of globally-sourced renewable raw materials to produce renewable products. The majority of renewable raw material inputs consist of waste and residues, while a smaller percentage of various vegetable oils can also be used. The top 3 renewable raw material categories used annually are animal fat waste, used cooking oil and different wastes and residues from vegetable oil processing. The proportions of the individual raw materials vary year to year, and from market to market, depending on availability, price, and market-specific requirements.

Purifying raw materials
The waste and residue materials are pre-treated to remove impurities. This creates a clean raw material that can be turned into renewable products.

Refining is the last step
To produce diesel molecules, oxygen originating from renewable raw materials needs to be removed with the help of additional hydrogen. Other impurities, like sulfur, are also removed during this process. Hydrocarbons are then isomerized to fine-tune the properties of the end products into renewable diesel. During this process, the hydrocarbon structure is branched to create the desired properties, a unique element of our proprietary NEXBTL technology.

End result: Neste MY Renewable Diesel™
The end result is a fuel that reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by up to 90%* compared to fossil diesel.
Sustainability is in our DNA
Neste only source sustainably-produced raw materials. Our contracts with suppliers of renewable raw materials include strict terms on this topic.; e.g. commitment to sustainability, protecting biodiversity, and respecting human rights are requirements that must all be met before a contract is signed. Neste’s goal is to make our production carbon neutral by 2035.
All Neste refineries that produce renewable products have International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) or are approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In addition, the refineries in Porvoo, Rotterdam and Singapore have ISO 14001 environmental certification.

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*The methodology for calculating life cycle emissions and emissions reduction complies with the European Union’s Renewable Energy Directive II (2018/2001/EU).
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