Staatsbosbeheer aims to inspire other environmentally conscious organizations
Since 2015, Staatsbosbeheer has been driving fossil-free. It now is an essential part of their sustainability policy. The Dutch government organisation for forestry and the management of nature reserves aims to be an inspiration for other environmentally conscious organisations. But why exactly did they choose Neste MY Renewable Diesel? ‘It is a fossil-free diesel, made from renewable raw materials, which is really important to us’, Jaco Harmsma explains. As a National Coordinator, Jaco is responsible for the Fleet and Mechanisation at Staatsbosbeheer. Read the interview below and watch the video.
What does Staatsbosbeheer do?
Staatsbosbeheer conserves and develops the Netherlands’ green heritage, protecting 273.00 hectares of nature. Our 1.260 employees and over 7.400 volunteers are based across the Netherlands at 65 different locations. Our fleet consists of 640 company cars, 185 tractors equipped with agricultural machinery, 120 self-driving vehicles and on top of that 120 water crafts.
What are your sustainability goals?
We set up our sustainability goals upon the Climate agreement by the Dutch government. In 2020, for instance, we embraced the use of biodegradable lubricants and Neste MY Renewable Diesel for all of our tractors and machinery.
When did you start refueling fossil-free diesel?
We have been using Neste MY Renewable Diesel (HVO100) for our tractors, water crafts and off-road vehicles since 2015. From 2020, all of our own diesel tanks are supplied by Neste MY, consuming about 300.000 liters each year.
Why did you choose Neste MY?
It is a fossil-free diesel made of renewable raw materials. The CO2e reduction is considerable, the emissions are lower and we value certified quality. This means the way it is made is reliable too, and it is the best transition fuel towards a carbon neutral business.
What are the main advantages?
The advantages Neste MY offers are the reduction of emissions and cleaner combustion, but also the fact that it is odourless and fossil-free. This provides us with a considerable CO2e reduction and projects a sustainable image to our partners, farmers and other organisations.
Do you expect other organisations to follow?
Staatsbosbeheer wants to be an inspirator, a motivator for other organisations, especially for the agricultural companies surrounding us and with whom we collaborate.
“In 2020 all of our own diesel tanks are supplied with Neste MY, consuming about 300.000 liters each year.”
– Jaco Harmsma, National Coordinator at Staatsbosbeheer, in charge of Fleet and Mechanisation